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Petroleum engineering faculty receive regional achievement awards | Penn State University


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Society of Petroleum of Engineers (SPE) has recognized three faculty members of the John and Willie Leone Family of Energy and Mineral Engineering (EME) for their exceptional service and leadership, as well as their significant professional contributions within their technical disciplines at the regional level.

Hamid Emami-Meybodi, associate professor of petroleum of natural gas, was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty for his superior teaching, excellence in research, significant contributions to the profession, and special effectiveness in advising and guiding students.
Luis Ayala, William A. Fustos Family Professor in Energy and Mineral Engineering, was awarded the Regional Service Award for contributions to the SPE mission that exhibits an exceptional devotion of time, effort, thought and action.
Zuleima Karpyn, associate dean for graduate education and research at the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Donohue Family Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, was awarded the Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award for her outstanding achievement and contributions to the advancement of petroleum engineering in reservoir technology.

Emami-Meybodi, chair of the Petroleum of Natural Gas Engineering program, said he was honored when he heard the announcement.

“Looking at the names of previous awardees, I am grateful to be among them,” said Emami-Meybodi. “I am also grateful for all the support I have received. Penn State has been such an inclusive and welcoming community fostering a collaborative working environment that has helped me pursue excellence in my research, teaching and service.”

The department has received numerous awards from SPE in the past year. Under Emami-Meybodi‘s guidance as faculty adviser, Penn State’s SPE student chapter recently was awarded the Society of Petroleum Engineers Presidential Award, the highest achievement a student chapter can receive. Russell Johns, professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering, was awarded the 2023 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal for technical leadership at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio, Texas. The medal is SPE’s highest international technical award. Last year, Ayala was one of six recipients to receive SPE Distinguished Membership. The honor is limited to 1% of SPE professional membership and recognizes members who have made significant contributions to society, or who have attained eminence in the petroleum industry or the academic community.

Ayala said he was thankful for the continued recognition from SPE and adamant that his achievements would not have been possible without the support and encouragement from Penn State and EME.

“I was truly honored,” said Ayala. “I felt a great deal of gratitude not only for the recognition but also for having had the opportunity to impact my professional society and community positively. Penn State has allowed me to mold the future engineers that will be part of SPE and provide them with a learning atmosphere that allows them to grow personally and intellectually. I am forever honored and thankful that Penn State has given me a platform to positively impact a community I care about.”

Ayala’s community building and volunteer work has spanned numerous committees, conferences and activities. He has served as editor-in-chief, editor, and adviser for a young professional’s SPE magazine and as executive editor of the SPE Journal, the leading peer-reviewed publication within our professional society. 

Johns, acting department head, remarked that the recognition of Penn State’s continued excellence as one of the top petroleum and natural gas engineering programs in the United States is founded on the strong, interdisciplinary community at EME.

“Penn State dominated the international and local awards in SPE this last year outpacing our peer institutions,” said Johns. “Remarkably, five of our PNGE faculty won international and regional SPE awards. This validates our faculty’s dedication to teaching, research and service and is a reminder of the high esteem those working in academia and the industries hold towards our program.”


This article was originally published by a www.psu.edu . Read the Original article here. .